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How to choose the right loss insurance product

Financial Services is a term that is often used to indicate the types of services provided or provided by the financial institution industry. The financial industry industries in question include banks, insurance companies, securities, consumer finance companies, and credit card companies. The following are some explanations related to institutions or companies that work in the field of financial services.

Credit Guarantee Company

Credit guarantee company is a legal entity that works in the financial sector where the main activity of this company is to provide credit loans to customers. Credit guarantee companies aim to help Small Business, Medium Enterprises, Micro Enterprises to access funds from other financial institutions, such as banks.

Infrastructure Guarantee Company

Infrastructure guarantee companies are one form of state-owned companies. The purpose of the establishment of this company is to provide guarantees to projects that work with the government, but these business entities are engaged only in infrastructure which is carried out by providing infrastructure guarantees.

Indonesian Export Provision Institutions

Pursuant to Law Number 2 of 2009 concerning Indonesian Export Financing Institutions, the Indonesian Export Financing Institution or (LPEI) was formed to assist and support policies implemented by the government in encouraging the export of original domestic goods to certain countries.

Secondary Housing Financing Company

The function or task of establishing this company is to provide various types of housing finance. The purpose of housing finance, among others, is to increase the capacity of housing finance so that it can be reached by people in various circles. In Indonesia there is only one Secondary Housing Financing Company, the name of the company is PT Sarana Multigriya Financial or often abbreviated as PT. SMF (Persero).

Pawnshop Company

The government has a program to improve the welfare of the lower middle class. To improve and support the government program, pawnshop companies were established to make it easier for micro, small and medium scale businesses to find capital loans with relatively small interest rates. Lending has a legal basis fiduciary and fiduciary.

Social Security Administrator

This financial service institution is often referred to as BPJS which was established based on Act Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Organizing Agency. This company provides guarantees in various forms, namely death insurance, health insurance, work accident insurance, pension insurance, and pension benefits. The type of guarantee can be adjusted to the needs and desires of the people who use BPJS.

Microfinance Institutions

Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) were established not only for profit. This financial service institution is specialized in providing business development services and community economic empowerment. The trick is to provide loans and financing directly for micro-scale businesses both to members and to the community. The company also manages community or group savings and is willing to provide consultancy in business development carried out by community groups and individuals.

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